Open Forum

  • 1.  Smaller Printer for Specialty Ink?

    Posted 05-26-2020 10:38 PM

    I'm looking for a printing solution for specialty inks (silver, gold, white...). I would love to find a machine that has as small a footprint as possible...a desktop would be ideal, but I'm not sure that's realistic!  My goal is to not have to outsource these printing jobs.

    Any insight would be appreciated!


    Kathleen Toomey
    Mighty Violet Design
    Chicago IL
    (773) 798-9310

  • 2.  RE: Smaller Printer for Specialty Ink?

    Posted 05-27-2020 08:12 AM
    Considering you are likely to print on a variety of substrates (right?), a UV-cured inkjet device would likely be the best technical solution. These tend to be larger format--cut sheet or roll fed devices. That's not a bad thing, if you expect you'll be printing multiple pieces up at a time, but not great if all you're doing is prototyping a design. I've talked with Roland DG in the past about different devices they offer--very flexible for different substrates and uses. But I haven't bought or used one, so I won't offer a specific endorsement or recommendation. Let me know if you'd like a contact name.

    Damon Lincourt
    Manufacturing Manager
    LSC Communications
    Crawfordsville IN
    (540) 380-6000

  • 3.  RE: Smaller Printer for Specialty Ink?

    Posted 05-27-2020 10:03 AM

    Take a look at  This is a software solution that lest you do some really cool stuff by printing on a metallic or colored substrate.  You can do some really cool stuff with it.  Basically you can get some of the same specialty effects for short run jobs without having to have a separate piece of equipment.


    Daniel Hutton

    Project Manager

    Carter Printing Company


    804.359.9206 x 205


