What is G7®

G7® is Idealliance’s global industry-leading set of specifications for achieving visual similarity across all print processes.  Idealliance certifies our industry’s most knowledgeable experts to qualify leading providers of print, creative, and prepress services in the G7 methodology. The G7 method outlines an easy-to-follow recipe for implementing ISO printing standards and additional metrics. The result is a simple but powerful way to match from proof to press.

  • G7 is a method to ensure a similar appearance across multiple devices
  • G7 is used to consistently hit desired color targets
  • G7 is designed to align all processes, substrates, and inks
  • G7 is a global specification for targeting gray balance

For additional information, download: What is G7 - Technical Specs & Benefits (excerpt, Guide to Print Production v13)


G7 Master Qualification is granted to a physical facility. G7 Master Status indicates that the facility has calibrated certain equipment and systems to G7 gray balance and neutral tone curves and is capable of delivering G7 proofs and print products. While many G7 Masters are printing companies, other graphic solutions providers such as creative and premedia providers may also be qualified as G7 Masters.

G7 Masters are…

  • Skilled, tested, and proven leaders in print production
  • Users of global standards to match proof-to-print across any process, ink, or substrate
  • Committed to reducing costs, speeding product to market, and improving their client's brand image

Proven Quality Control

A Shared Visual Appearance


G7®: One file, One separation,
One calibration, One aim point
Print Anywhere®