“In today’s world, every detail is critical. Size, quantity, due dates, material, and color are most important. Being G7 Master Print qualified allows AAA to take any color issues out of the equation. The results speak for themselves allowing us to achieve accurate color with minimal on press manipulations, saving us both time and money.”
- Craig Furst, President, AAA Flag & Banner Mfg. Co., Inc., Los Angeles, CA
“Our organization, Craft, feels being a G7 Master qualified operation is a critical component of our color and ad production process. Our clients increasingly want to know about our processes and efficiencies. Being able to state that we are working to these agreed upon industry standards gives Craft and our clients the proper assurances for the best reproduction quality.”
- Brad Mintz, Director of Print Services, Craft
“Utilizing the G7® methodology has enabled us to provide our customers with superior print quality by providing accurate color on every production run—from proof to press, and press to press. We have been able to maximize our print efficiencies by eliminating on-press adjustments and color subjectivity from the printing process. G7 also ensures that our customers’ in-store consumers see a consistent color representation and close visual appearance of their offerings throughout their stores.”
- Elaine Scrima, Vice President Operations, GSP Retail
"En nuestro caso, implementar la metodología G7 para controlar la neutralidad del gris en el impreso fue una decisión muy acertada; con ello logramos una impresión más estable, constante y con variables controladas, además de permitirnos reproducir con mayor facilidad nuestro trabajo". ENGLISH: "In our case, implementing the G7 methodology to control the neutral gray in print was a very wise decision, and with it we achieve a more stable, consistent and controlled variables, in addition to allowing us to reproduce our printing work easier."
- Fredy Alberto Gallon R., Director Operaciones, Servibarras, Medellin, Mexico
“At Inland Label we do everything it takes to provide best-in-market labels to our customers. Gaining G7 certification feeds well into our color consistency program and gives our clients stronger control of their visual brand from proofing to printing.”
- Amy Jungerberg, Prepress Manager, Inland Label, La Crosse, WI
“In 2010, LPC integrated G7 as the core methodology in our daily print process. The G7 qualification process allowed us to see where the presses and the proofers were at that time. The targets we established allowed for faster make-ready times and more consistently reproduced print for our clients. G7 should not be mistaken as simply a marketing tool but used as a mechanism to be a better printer.”
- Brian Tankersley, Director of Operations, Lewisburg Printing Company, Lewisburg, TN
“The G7 methodology has been instrumental, especially in our time of growth. We are now able to implement an opinion-free standard of gray balance across a wide range of equipment at all of our manufacturing sites. It has also assisted me in company-wide education on recognizing and reacting to available device gamut.”
- Eric N. DeRoos, Prepress Manager, G7 Expert, Wright Business Graphics, Portland, Oregon
“Worth Higgins & Associates adopted the G7 methodology in October of 2010. Since then, we reach target densities on press quicker, reducing make-ready time and decreasing paper waste. Fewer color correction issues has meant fewer plate re-makes and less down time. And, G7 has enabled us to provide visually consistent, repeatable color between proofs, presses, and different facilities.”
Jennifer Callison, Prepress & Color Expert, Worth Higgins & Associates, Richmond, Virginia
“At Premier Press, G7 is a tremendous benefit to our customers, because if they order a catalog printed offset, some digital work, and wide format signage, their brand matches across all platforms.”
Premier Press, Portland, OR
"G7 is key to accurate and consistent color. Our clients’ projects span across different printing technologies and having a close visual match between all components is a must to their branding. Using the G7 methodology ensures that Think Patented's color meets the latest industry standards and exceeds our clients’ expectations."
Edie Sipe, Director of Premedia, Think Patented, Miamisburg, OH
“Achieving gray balanced is one of the primary foundations for successfully producing work across multiple print platforms while maintaining a consistent, common appearance. Following established best practices and specifications for G7 gray balance, the Production Print Solutions division of Canon Solutions America helps enhance customers’ color management processes by enabling a consistent and repeatable neutral gray color with Océ high-speed production inkjet presses. As a provider of robust production solutions for the printing industry, Canon Solutions America recognizes the value of the Idealliance’s G7 specification and its importance to their customers’ business.”
William Schuhlein, Manager System Solution Support, Canon Solutions America
"After the G7 implementation, ink consumption was reduced by 10-15% and paper waste was cut by more than 30%."
Guan Jian, Chutian Printing, China
“(G7 Master Qualification) across our proofing, screen presses and digital inkjet devices..will allow us to improve our internal practices for color matching across multiple output devices.”
Mike Vandenburg, General Manager, KDM
“Application of the G7 process to print devices could potentially mean that no matter where you send your digital file, it will always be printed to look the same. Removing the arbitrary nature of the previous standards focused on dot gain (TVI) and craft-based print methods will bring those involved in the industry better repeatability, greater press predictability, simplified proof matching, and overall cost savings.”
- Michael Bayard, Cal Poly, excerpt from Calibrating, Printing, & Proofing by the G7 Method for Flexography