The difference in the 2 forms is in the TC1617 charts in the middle. The IO form has 1 TC1617 chart broken down into 2 parts that can be read on an i1 IO automated table with an i1 Pro photospectrometer. The iSis form has 2 complete TC1617 charts, that can be read on an xRite iSis chart reader.
Either can be read manually with a handheld photospectrometer.
You might be able to read these charts with another automated chart reader, like the Barbieri Spectropad or LFP, or you might need to sub in a chart made for the specific chart reader you are using.
Kai Yamada
Color Systems Specialist, G7 Expert
DCG ONE (DirectConnectGroup)
Seattle WA
Original Message:
Sent: 01-07-2022 03:31 AM
From: Arun Kumar
Subject: Difference between test form IO and iSis
Good Afternoon
Please mention the difference of the below listed items
G7 Form IO_v2016 28x40 r2
G7 Form_iSis_v2016 r2 28x40
Arun Kumar